10 things to include in your Marketing Portfolio

Gopal Kildoliya
2 min readFeb 13, 2021

Market yourself. Master your portfolio. Marketing yourself is just as important as marketing a business. Creators are businesses. Want to stand out? Include these in your marketing portfolio.

A twitter thread from https://twitter.com/CJ_250marketing

  1. An Effective Tagline

Make your tagline clear and catchy. Keep in mind that this is something that people will only glance at.

2. One Title

You probably aren’t an expert/ninja/guru in every area of your field. Just like a movie, you should only have one title and your title will be the theme of your portfolio. It sets an expectation for the viewer so they have an idea of what they’re about to read.

3) A Professional Headshot

This is mandatory. When you don’t have a picture of yourself on your website readers will wonder why. If they can’t see you they could get the impression that you’re hiding (which is the opposite of what you’re trying to do).

4) A Strong Elevator Pitch

Write out who you are and what you do in two paragraphs (max). Start with introducing yourself, talk about projects you’ve worked on, and then highlight what you’ve learned or what you value in your work.

5) What You Offer

When a recruiter or potential clients visits your online portfolio, there should be no confusion over what it is you offer. This is also your opportunity to highlight what kind of projects you enjoy.

6) Tools You’ve Worked With

You never know what technology stacks companies are using. Keep a list of platforms and programs you’ve worked with on hand. They provide hiring managers with a quick way to see what you’ve been up to.

7) Testimonials

There’s no excuse not to have these, even if you’re just starting out. Make a list of clients (old and new), colleagues, teachers, and employers that could help you out with this. Try to find at least 2–3 to include.

8) What Value Do You Bring

Write out a few bullet points that clearly define how you’re going to help make someone’s life easier. Lean away from jargony language and make it as direct as possible.

9) Clear Way(s) To Contact You

The whole point of your portfolio is to help you connect with potential employers; make it easy for them to do that. This can be a simple form or an emailto link.

10) Use Professional Photos

Use professional photos that are unique.

The goal of your marketing portfolio should be to keep the user’s focus. Adding too much is distracting. Less is more.

You could be highly skilled in your field, but if you can’t demonstrate what you’re capable of then nobody will understand how good you are. You need to take initiative to build a powerful portfolio that speaks to how you are different and what kind of value you bring.

